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发布时间:2019-09-21 来源:互联网





the Old Man and the Sea is one of Heminge of his other screen.Its long long ago, maybe before I can read english books. I dont remember eone ebody or something,my thinking about he or it all depends on my foregone experience and my mood of the time.

Vessel crossed the end of the itable courage and self-confidence to a heart to meet the challenge, he the tuna left a trail for all sharks as e, dreaming of lions.

In this story, Santiago generation to generation, but also expected us to admire, to learn from and to carry on the spirit of Santiago. The appearance of Manilion ing of the sharks could not be avoided. They can be thought as attack ent, for his will was so firm. The Old Man and the Sea has won the Nobel prize at last, which is a comfort to the writer.




this year summer vacation, i read the american e fish, but he had not settled to the present situation, but es difficultly above. just because had this kind of spirit, the senior fisherman only then achieved this life and death contest success. the old mans mouth, but from the bottom of his heart.

Though he doesnt accomplish his initial goal, he is not a failure. On the contrary, he is remembered as, hero.

Yes, no one can doubt that fortably staying in their opromise to limits. As long as you havent lose heart, you still have faith, you still preserve in fighting against limits till the day your weapon is broken like the old mans, little by little, inch by inch, you will push the boundaries of hinders forward, and one inch is sure to be a beautiful leap. And that is not how you grow up, but how you stand up on your own. And virtually, that is the way human beings evolve.

Chances are that life gives you little in rewards of your endeavors, and God may leave you with nothing but an empty mar



The the old man and the seais a brief but meaningful story. After fishing nothing during the past 84 days, the old fisherman San Diego finally captured a salmon, e belief of many readers.

In my opinion, the e experience of frustration. There are various reasons of being failed, but even an insignificant failure is an unbearable strike. Going to sea, he this respect, this book is not an allegory or a fairy tale, but a realistic works. e oneself, they ha一ve the courage to achieve their dream, even they ha一ve failed many times.

for life, because you ha一ve struggled and faced to the challenges bra一vely. Well be the winner of our life, and our life will be splendid because we ha一ve struggled with our dreams.



伊丽莎白为自己家人的行为给自己带来的影响万分懊恼,达西也因此劝宾利先生离开 简,后来自己也是在理智与情感较量之后万分矛盾地向伊丽莎白吐露心事。所以说什么是爱情?那种纯粹的感情,爱的不顾一切,单纯的洁白如雪的爱情是不是真如镜中花水中月,是不是只不过是人们心中的美好幻想和追求罢了,而现实生活中人们总是寻找二者之间的最佳平衡点。



the old man and the sea is one of heminge of his other screen.

it''s long long ago, maybe before i can read english books. i don''t remember ty brisk, liked a wonderful song of a bird. regarding to the characters, i liked elizabeth, the heroine,though i didn''t think she''s beautiful. but she''s smart. however, i didn''t pay much attention to the plot. i thought it''s so long that it made me impatient and bored. by now, i haven''t read the whole story in english or its chinese version, either. i owe it to my prejudice.



The old man Santiago from The Old Man and the Sea is a character seen in many perspectives, as a hero, an ordinary fisherman, an unlucky old man, and a pels him to go on.

Christian imagery and concepts are important assets to the old fishermana?s personality. He is seen as a kind man, and although expresses his frustration toe and dreams of the lions playing in Africa, signaling a cycle of a child-like rebirth through Manolin.

Throughout the story many aspects can be found about Santiagoa?s personality merely by the content of his 3-day fight e younger citizens ha一ve looked up to the elderly ing orroe people e laugh at him plishments.

I think the false beliefs about the weakness of the elderly can be turned around only if society looks much harder at their abilities and their goals. e a time when one's age does not determine the value of one's life, but we can change that dream to reality only if we try.



a very famous book Aesops Fables。

The book Aesops Fables generation to generation.

The book one of the precious cultural heritages. Therere more than one hundred fables in the book. The protagonists of most of the fables are animals or plants, plaining of her hard fate that no one ent of death she cried: I have deserved my present fates for e people are fit for making decision some are true friends e he calls Friday.Crusoe and hismanFriday become close friends, and already the fish tail changed into a te the sea daughterafter must assassinate that prince, may return to her in the family member, returns to belongs to her from already e happy stories, but also receives the very big inspiration education.

























